Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bridgett's Playdate at the Farm!

Today, my boyfriend and I went to our boarding farm. When we don't have enough foster homes for all the dogs we save, they go to boarding. Which is actually a pretty awesome place. We have a volunteer who has a barn and lots of fenced in land and the dogs get to run and play all gosh darn day. It's a pretty great life ;) We made the trip to get some good pictures of the dogs that are currently there. And Bridgett and our pup, Dexter came with!

Bridgett had a pretty great time hanging out in the chilly Wisconsin weather with the other friendly dogs. She ran and chased and liked to get her head in front of my camera every chance she could get. She's learned that the camera is a pretty awesome thing, what a ham!

Bridgett has also become sweetly protective of her foster brother. Another dog was getting a little snarly towards Dexter, and Bridgett came lumbering up and stepped in between. She had no intent of continuing the fight or getting snarly back,,,,just wanted to be the peacekeeper and make sure her little brother was okay. It was pretty sweet. He might annoy her sometimes with his overbearing puppiness, but she loves him.

Oh, and Dexter taught her how to dig. Jerk. Don't worry, she wasn't too interested haha.

Check out the pics of Bridgett's adventure!

She was content to just sit down and watch
the other hyper dogs sometimes haha

Bridgett meeting another adoptable, Hudson!

Ah, the breeze on my fur!

So this is how you dig, huh? 

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