Friday, January 2, 2015

Bridgett's Day at the Dog Park

Today, I was headed out the door with our Dexter for a trip to the dog park. I toyed with the thought of bringing Bridgett along. Can I handle both of them at once? She was a little weird with other dogs at Petco, should I try again? I decided against taking her. But as I was headed to the door, there was Bridgett, squirming and smiling and giving me her best little show, "Please mom, please!" Darn dogs...

So we all loaded up into the car and I hoped for the best. And I got it! She trotted into the park without a problem, loose wagging tail, open mouth smiles, all the positive body language she could handle. (This leads me to really believe that her "testiness" at Petco was due to the high stress location and potentially being on a leash) She especially loved a dalmatian and lab mix friend that followed us around. She ran (more like...loped slowly) and sniffed her little heart out. She even tried digging a few times, but mostly just did it to get a rise out me, play bowing and darting away. ("Bridgett! Do you want a bath when we get home!")

I was so proud of her and she was wonderfully happy the whole time. And she has been passed out for almost 3 hours now, with little more than a pick up of her head and a tail way when I walk by. Now that's one good dog :)

Enjoy some pictures of Bridgett at the park today. If interested, fill out an application at today! And please feel free to share Bridgett's story with your friends to help her find her forever home! :)

One happy girl :) 

Bridgett found some friends that love sniffing
as much as she does! 

Bridgett and her best buddy, Dexter

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