Thursday, October 27, 2016

Autumn - my sidekick

Nothing much new to report. Autumn is continuing to be an awesome girl, my constant shadow. Today she helped me by laying by my feet while I made soup. Yesterday, she helped me by putting her pretty head near my laptop as I typed away. She's a fantastic companion :)

We took a nice few block walk today. Autumn doesn't pull and walks nicely by your side or a little in front of you. Near the end, she was tired and panting a bit and was happy to come inside and take a nap. She loves to use pillows or blankies to rest her head on. Or other pups ;)

But she's not all lazy! Autumn loves to run and grab her favorite toys, a bone or a rope toy, and throw it around and play tug or chase with the other dogs. The other day she even played with 13lb Gizmo, our other foster dog! It was so sweet, she was so gentle with him :) 

Autumn has not had any other seizures recently and for all intents and purposes, is a totally normal and happy dog! Don't let her diagnosis define her or count her out as a great family member for you! Ooh, and she also spent 8 hours in her crate the other day while I went to work (I was off work for awhile, which was super nice for her, but it's time to get back to reality, bummer!). She cries when she first is put in, but she quiets down quickly. She enjoys a bone or a Kong full of something yummy to occupy her. I still think the best home for Autumn would be a home that has someone around often, but it's good to know that she can be left in the kennel for a while if needed. Don't miss out on this awesome girl :) 

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